WORDS BY LADY G- Where Are The Homeless People in NE D.C.

Good morning,

I want to know what happened to all of the homeless people in NE D.C. 
I've been walking the same streets for almost 10 years and it has never felt so eerie as it's been the last few months. Some of those human beings became my friends. Their smiles, their "how are you?", their "God bless you" were genuine. 
Y'all may think I'm crazy, but I felt safer with them around. They looked out for me a few times over the years. I'm sorry I have failed you all. 
If I could see them again to ask what I can do to help make their lives better. 😢  I love you 'Mr. Chef' and the rest. .

WORDS BY LADY G- Where Are The Homeless People in NE D.C. WORDS BY LADY G- Where Are The Homeless People in NE D.C. Reviewed by Wordsbyladyg on 2:00:00 PM Rating: 5

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