Luvaholic's Prayers

         I pray Father I will not have evil thoughts about women, that you will deliver me from any abusive or evil intentions , perverse or immoral acts or intentions, Father your word tells us about the dangers of immoral women , and the dangers of the adulterous, the seductress, and the harlot, Father deliver me from falling into temptation, empower me to make appropriate decisions and treat them with grace and compassion and to take care to heed your word , that I will avoid the sexually loose as much as possible, and that you will deliver me from those kind of associations in my life that will cause me to fail and fall into temptation, Father strengthen me and keep me from becoming weak and worthless in my spiritual life, I pray you will renew me about life in the spirit and help me to grow , I pray you will help me to speak right things to women, to think upright and intelligent about women and not give in to the temptations that arise, In Jesus Name. God I pray any confusion or hatred will leave me and my affairs with women and any sin or evil will be absolved and that I will be right before you on that final day regarding women In Jesus Name

        I have a huge desire in my heart to serve the Lord! I beg you, let me ask the Lord to equip, prepare and build for each ministry and calling He has for me. Let us pray the Lord to make me extremely effective and productive in respect of each ministry and calling on Him in my life .Let us pray also for building leadership qualities and charisma in me to captivate hearts to the Lord and thus be for the glory of God's Name. Let us pray this be a lasting and genuine and for the glory of Lord .This is my dream in the Lord and crave it to be true!
        Please pray for God's provision on my family and my work. God bless you all! Thank you so much!  
          My Father in heaven I come before you, humbled in heart. Lord God You know us both inside out. Father I humbly ask You to please intervene this relationship. Soften Brett's heart towards me. Remove the blindfold over him and allow him to see me. Cast out any and all negative thoughts, spirits, and people who want to see us fail. Open the lines of communication between us Lord so that I hear from him. In Jesus name I claim that this relationship will be restored. In Jesus name Brett will call me today! In Jesus name Brett will be a changed man for the better. In Jesus name this relationship will be restored and better. Father please place me in Brett's heart and mind. Remind him Lord of me and all the wonderful times we have spent. Please soften his heart towards me my Lord and cast out this distance/coldness from him. Cast out all this negativity from him, which does not belong. In Jesus name fill Brett with affection, loyalty, faithfulness, love, and patience towards me. Intervene my Lord. Seal us both with Your precious Blood from our heads to our toes. Deliver us from any evil and harm. Unite us my Lord. In a Jesus name I pray.
        Thank You for everything in my life, dear Father. Thank You for each single and simple things around me. I claim good health be completed on me. I say: sickness go away from my body!
In Yeshua Hamashiach's name I say!

 ***Thank you so much for sending your prayer in. Luvaholics, feel free to email me at with your prayer requests. Subject line “LuvaholicsPrayer” with either #public (to share with everyone) or #private (to keep between you and me and our Heavenly Father) beside it. Thank you for your cooperation
Luvaholic's Prayers Luvaholic's Prayers Reviewed by Wordsbyladyg on 11:17:00 AM Rating: 5

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