Letter To My Parents

A letter to my parents,
Your 3 seeds have flourished into full grown roses.The minute you both allowed your love to intertwine with the Blessing from our Heavenly Father. The definition of a true connection that created 3 souls for the purpose of representing half man, half woman, and our God!
Unconditional love, an element most people make almost impossible to believe in its existence anymore. Not the case for you. It still sparks in the home you have built hand in hand.
The thornes we have pricked you with is to toughen your hearts into reality. Giving us the space to grow in a sinful world. Eventually reaching the colorful pedals excuting the beauty of your love. Each season, our pedals (soul) go through many changes. The Sun ( God’s guidance) and the rays of the sun (Parents) shine above us… We can inhale the toxic air and still have the ability to exhale the unconditional love our roots are buried in.

Your daughter
Letter To My Parents Letter To My Parents Reviewed by Wordsbyladyg on 9:11:00 AM Rating: 5

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